24/7/365 SUPPORT: phone 877-282-6353 dispatch DISPATCH rescue PAY ONLINE 1 rescue CAREERS rescue RESCUE
We're here for you.

Customer satisfaction is our number one priority at AgVantage Software.
Our company mission statement is...“Delivering Customer Service Excellence”...and we stand by it.

Contact Our Support Team

Just call (877) 282-6353

We’re available 7am – 5pm CST, Monday through Friday with support after hours and on weekends.
Our corporate headquarters are in Rochester, MN and we have regional offices in Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan.



Use the Online Support Request form to submit an email to our support team about your current software issue. This will generate a request for the support team to call you back.



Use the Online Dispatch to ask questions realtime and enter support call requests. If offline, your question will be submitted to our support staff and we will get back to you.

Remote Desktop

Remote Desktop

Use AgVantage Rescue to give our support team access to your PC over an internet connection. Once connected we will be able to view and fix the issues you are having efficiently.

AgVisor Program

As an AgVantage customer, enrollment in the AgVisor program gives you support options like monthly “reach-outs” from our support team, conferences, on-site training and consulting, unlimited e-training, and “same-time”instant messaging into our support and development team.


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Call Tracking

With a quick log in to your online account, you can view the status of all active calls and call details like the product name, call date, who submitted the call, and more. Simply select the 'Call Tracking' to view and filter all open calls.

Software Updates

Introducing AgVantage PULSE (Product Update Listing and Service Education). PULSE is our next generation way of delivering personalized product enhancement information directly to our end users in EDGE. No more having to seek out website message boards and managing logins to gain access to product update information as PULSE will deliver that information directy to you, in EDGE, based on the products you are licensed for - and much more!
Look for the PULSE icon in your EDGE Menu Bar.

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Software Manuals

AgVantage Software is currently in the Version 8 release of our software. AgVantage gives your company a complete software package for your Agribusiness needs and each application produces a wide variety of Management Reports. Select a product guide from the dropdowns below to help you further understand AgVantage Software's applications.

I want to express my appreciation for the people that support the AgVantage product. They are friendly and professional and from having been a support tech in the past I know it is genuine.


Connect With Us

Get more information about AgVantage or schedule a demo of our software.

Phone   1-877-282-6353

Email   support@agvantage.com

Facebook   Visit us on Facebook

How can we help?



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