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AgVantage eBusiness Products
Live up-to-date information. 24/7.

Management Tools for Your Customer

AgVantage® eBusiness Products allow you and your customers to access information easily from your website and with any device on the internet. It is a fantastic tool to keep your and your customers in full communication with their accounts, contracts, and activity. It’s live up-to-date information available 24/7.

Account Statement
Customer Account Statement

Allows your customers to see their account information, balances, aging, and statements and drill all the way down to the invoice and see who signed for it when digital signatures are used. They can look at previous months, and reprint their statements from here to their own printer.

Customer Contracts

View Prepaid and Booking contract balances and the activity on those contracts. See the prepaid or booked price and quantity originally contracted and the balance remaining.

Year End
Customer Year End

Customers can see their history of purchases YTD for total sales by item, department, location and more. Great for tax preparation and forecasting future needs. Easy to download to CSV or print to PDF on your local printer.


Your growers can easily view their Open and Filled Contracts with balances and details; Grain Loads with their grade values and discounts; Settlement information and payments made; as well as Deferred Payments…and all of this is available by Lot for the PNW.


Communicate complete patronage equity balances, stock balances, and 1099 information. They can view this information and reprint 1099’s at their convenience.

Energy Orders
Energy Orders

When it is time for your customers to get fuel, they can place their order right on your website with eAgVantage Energy Orders. They can also see their tanks, fuel type, size, percent full and delivery history. They can even see the pending order as it’s processed.

AgVantage MobileAgVantage MobileAgVantage Mobile
AgVantage Mobile

Mobile technology to give your farmers access to their data via the device of their choice, ipad, phone, at the time of their choice. Access their account balance, statement, grain balance, agronomy information, and more in the palm of their hand.

Management Tools for your Internal Team

These tools are powerful in the hands of your management staff to see their department, location, and customer activity and use this information to gain a competitive edge. The same features as listed above are available to your internal staff with the added ability to select the customer account to view. (When a customer views this information, they only have access to their own accounts.)

Sales Analysis
Sales Analysis

Perfect for your management team to see Sales information available in several variations, by customer, department, salesperson, account type, and more. Drill down to Items, categories, and the customers behind the sales. Multi year comparisons are great for tracking growth.

Gap Report

Identify gaps in customer business to gain the edge on sales and provide full service. Set up a variety of reports to see information from different angles, by location, department, item categories, items, etc. Perfect for Agronomy, Energy, Feed, Grain, Seed, and all sales analysis. Choose the dates and years of activity you want to compare. Allows you to save, print your results, or capture them for spreadsheets or mailings.

Financial Reports
Financial Reports

Up-to-date and available 24/7 in various formats and by company, location, and department. Month to month and year to year comparisons. Budget, prior year, and current year available. Drill down to transaction details. Great tool for your Board of Directors.

Commodity DPR
Commodity DPR

A powerful tool to see your position for Agronomy, Seed, Energy or any products you choose. This pulls together your Inventory, Purchases, Contracts, Sales, Adjustments and Hedges to allow you to track your net position and cash position on these important commodities. Set it up for a year, for a season, or month by month.


Allows you to set up your Seed Operation to include and import the seed products and manufacturers that you work with. View Seed Shipments coming and going. View what you have and are expecting in inventory with all the orders, staging, contracts, dispatching and invoicing needed to thoroughly complete the process. Also view seed activity by customer and salesperson.

Grain Management

View Grain Sales, Cash Position, Daily Position, Long & Short Position, Market Position and the setup options to make these views your own.

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